In a context of increasing attractiveness of the oil and gas sector, the Prime Minister, Robert Beugré MAMBE, launched, this Thursday, May 30, 2024, at the Sofitel Hôtel Ivoire in Abidjan-Cocody, the digital platform dedicated to local content .
KORI TRANSPORT was represented there by its General Director, Mr. Mamadou CISSOKO invited by the Director General of the DGH (General Directorate of Hydrocarbons) Mr. ESSE K. Welcome.
This ceremony marked a decisive turning point in the implementation of the policy for the development of oil and gas activities in Côte d'Ivoire, knowing that this sector will constitute the second lever for sustained and sustainable growth.
The Minister of Mines, Oil and Energy, Minister Mamadou SANGAFOWA-COULIBALY, in his speech presented a "new framework to ensure better distribution of the economic benefits of the development of these oil reserves".
It was also an opportunity for KORI TRANSPORT to meet all the major players in the private and public sector during this beautiful ceremony and to discuss future projects.
